DG Training Veit
Expertise that stands out.
Our dangerous goods training courses for aircraft transportation combine many years of industry experience, a personal passion for aviation and advanced training methods. With our in-depth expertise and digital innovation, we are the ideal partner for the safe and efficient transportation of dangerous goods by air.
Our services at a glance
We offer comprehensive training and certification for the IATA and Austro Control (ACG) function codes. Our services are specifically geared towards the civil aviation industry to train and certify personnel in various areas of dangerous goods logistics, including shippers, packers, freight forwarders, air carriers and cargo handling service providers. Each training course covers the specific tasks and responsibilities of each target group to ensure that you comply with current regulations and can guarantee the safe and efficient handling of dangerous goods. Rely on our expertise to optimally prepare your employees and meet the highest standards in dangerous goods logistics.

IATA function code | ACG function code | PK until 2022 | Job description |
7.1 | A | 1 |
Target group: Shipper Personnel responsible for the preparation of dangerous goods shipments:
7.1 | B | 2 |
Target group: Packers Personnel responsible for the preparation of dangerous goods shipments:
7.2 | D+G | 4+7 |
Target group: Freight forwarders, airlines and cargo handling service providers Personnel responsible for the handling or acceptance of normal cargo (no dangerous goods):
7.3 | C+F | 3+6 |
Target group: Freight forwarders, airlines and cargo handling service providers Personnel responsible for the handling and acceptance of dangerous goods shipments:
7.4 | E+H | 5+8 |
Target group: Freight forwarders, airlines and cargo handling service providers Personnel responsible for the storage of dangerous goods shipments:
7.5 | I | 9 | Target group: Air carriers and ground handling service providers Personnel responsible for receiving baggage from passengers and crew members |
Certified by
Training courses for your team
Classroom training
We offer comprehensive classroom training that includes both standard and customized courses. These courses are tailored to the specific function codes of your employees and ensure practical and effective training.
Online training courses
We currently offer the following training courses as online courses (self-study):
- IATA 7.2 / function code D+G / until 2022 PK 4+7
- IATA 7.4 / function code E+H warehouse staff / until 2022 PK 5+8
- IATA 7.5 / function code I / until 2022 PK 12
- UN1845/UN3245/UN3373 / IATA 7.1 / function code A+B / until 2022 PK 1+2
- UN1845/UN3373 / IATA 7.1 / function code A+B / until 2022 PK 1+2
- UN1845 / IATA 7.1 Function code A+B / until 2022 PK 1+2
- Instructions for shipping Part II lithium batteries (DGR 1.6)
These courses allow your employees to continue their training from anywhere and receive the same high-quality content as in our classroom training courses.
In-house training courses
By arrangement, we can also offer your employees an in-house training course tailored to your needs. Please contact Mr. Thomas Veit, either by e-mail (thomas@dgtveit.at) or by telephone (+43-664-3058411). Invest in the further training of your team and increase the efficiency and competence of your employees through our specialized training programs.

Thomas Veit
Managing Director Officially recognized instructor for aviation training IATA-certified instructor
ADR - Road / RID - Rail / IMDG - Sea vessel
If you have questions regarding other modes of transport (ADR - road, RID - rail and IMDG - sea), we can also help you. Just contact us and we will recommend other experienced and reputable Austrian companies according to your request.